Privacy Policy


1.1. Company or Data Controller – UAB “NANO GO”, a private limited company established and operating according to the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, with the company code 301790842, registered address: Tilžės g. 171-71, LT-76205 Šiauliai, Lithuania, contact phone: +37061846400, email: (
1.2. Client or Data Subject – a natural person – the Company’s client (including website visitors), whose personal data is collected by the Company.
1.3. Online Store – the Company’s online store at
1.4. Services – all services provided by the Company.
1.5. Personal Data – any information related to a natural person – the Data Subject, whose identity is known or can be directly or indirectly determined using data such as a personal code, one or several physical, physiological, psychological, economic, cultural, or social characteristics.
1.6. Processing of Personal Data – any action performed with personal data: collection, recording, accumulation, storage, classification, grouping, combining, alteration (supplementation or correction), provision, disclosure, use, logical and (or) arithmetic operations, searching, dissemination, destruction, or any other action or set of actions.
1.7. Partner – a legal entity providing services to the Company related to the Company’s activities, selling goods to it, or carrying out joint projects with the Company, including but not limited to marketing promotions, joint sales campaigns, loyalty programs, etc., in media, online pages, Online Store, retail stores, retail networks, etc.
1.8. Cookie – a small piece of textual information that is automatically created while browsing the website and is stored on the visitor’s computer or other device.
1.9. Direct Marketing – activities aimed at offering goods or services to individuals by mail, phone, or any other direct means and (or) inquiring about their opinion on the offered goods or services.
1.10. Privacy Policy – means this document, which sets out the principles and rules for the processing of Personal Data when using the Online Store’s services.
1.11. Account – the main Client’s login data to the Online Store, which consists of an email address and Password.
1.12. Password – a unique combination of numbers, letters, or numbers and letters or other symbols created by the Client, which, when entered, allows logging into the Online Store.


2.1. The Client grants the Company the right to perform all actions of Personal Data processing within the scope and for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy.
2.2. Personal data is processed in accordance with the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania and other legal acts regulating the processing and protection of Personal Data, this Privacy Policy.
2.3. In the Company, Personal Data is processed according to the principles listed below:
2.3.1. Personal data is collected for defined and lawful purposes;
2.3.2. Personal data is processed accurately, fairly, and lawfully;
2.3.3. Personal data is adequate and only to the extent necessary for their collection and further processing;
2.3.4. Personal data is constantly updated;
2.3.5. Personal data is stored in a form that allows the Data Subject’s identity to be determined no longer,
2.3.5. Personal data is stored in such a form that the identity of the Data Subject can be determined no longer than necessary for the purposes for which the data was collected and processed.
2.3.6. All information about Personal Data is confidential;
2.3.7. The Client’s Personal Data and personal information will not be used for illegal purposes.
2.4. It is considered that the Client, by purchasing in the Online Store, has read the current version of the Privacy Policy and agrees with it. If the Client does not agree with any part of the Privacy Policy or the Privacy Policy itself, then the Client must not place an order and not purchase goods in the Online Store.
2.5. The Privacy Policy is available in the Online Store and can be printed at any time. The Privacy Policy may be changed, supplemented, or updated at the discretion of the Company. The new version of the Privacy Policy is published in the Online Store.
2.6. The Client may place an order in the Online Store without registration, or by registering through their Account in the Online Store.
2.7. During the initial registration to the Online Store via the Account, the Client must provide their email address and create a secure Password, and provide accurate Personal Data to the Online Store. The Client is responsible for their accuracy. Upon creating an Account, an identification code is provided to the Client.
2.8. When using the Services, as well as purchasing in the Online Store, the Client must always provide accurate Personal Data to the Online Store and is responsible for their accuracy.
2.9. The Client has the right to change and supplement Personal Data in the Account at any time or to contact the online store with a request to delete the Account.
2.10. The Client must not disclose the Password to third parties and must protect it; otherwise, all related responsibility falls on the Client.


3.1. The Company respects every Client’s right to privacy. The Client’s Personal Data (i.e., name, surname, email address, phone number, delivery address for goods/services, age/birth year, payment details for goods/services (bank account number, payment method, etc.), purchase history, and also, with the Client’s consent, age, gender, birth date, place of residence) are collected and processed for the following purposes:
3.1.1. For the purpose of e-commerce. The following Personal Data is processed: name, surname, email address, phone number, delivery address for goods/services, age/birth year, IP address, payment details for goods/services. The storage duration of Personal Data used for e-commerce purposes is 5 (five) years from the last login to the Online Store.
3.1.2. For the purpose of Direct Marketing. The following Personal Data is processed: name, surname, phone number, email address, address, age, gender, birth date, place of residence. The storage duration of Personal Data used for Direct Marketing purposes is 5 (five) years from the last login to the Online Store.
3.2. The Client may give consent for the processing of their Personal Data (name, surname, phone number, email address, address, age, gender, birth date, place of residence) for the purpose of Direct Marketing. If having given consent to process their data for the purpose of Direct Marketing, as well as to receive Direct Marketing messages, the Client later does not wish this and informs the Company, the Company will no longer process their Personal Data for the purpose of Direct Marketing and will not send any electronic news to the Client, except for information related to the Client’s order.
3.3. The Client has the right at any time to revoke their consent given in section 3.2 for the Company to process the Client’s Personal Data for the purpose of Direct Marketing, by submitting a corresponding notification to the Company via email at ( and clearly stating that they withdraw their consent to use their Personal Data for the purpose of Direct Marketing and do not wish to receive any Direct Marketing messages.
3.4. The Client also has the opportunity to opt-out of exercising their right to disagree with the processing of their Personal Data for the purpose of Direct Marketing by clicking the relevant link provided in each marketing email sent.
3.5. The Client, as the Data Subject, has the following rights related to the procedures of processing the Client’s Personal Data:
3.5.1. to obtain information from the Company about the processing of the Client’s Personal Data, to become acquainted with their Personal Data and how it is processed;
3.5.2. to receive information from the Company about the sources from which the Client’s personal data are collected, the purposes for which they are processed, to whom the data is provided and has been provided at least over the last year;
3.5.3. to require the correction, destruction of the Client’s Personal Data, or the suspension of the processing of their Personal Data, except for storage, when the Personal Data is processed in violation of the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania and other legal provisions.
3.6. In exercising their rights, the Client must present a passport, identity card, or driver’s license. The Company provides the Data Subject with information about the Personal Data being processed once a year free of charge. To exercise their rights as set out in section 3.5, the Client may contact the Company via email at The Company has the right to adjust, change, delete Personal Data, or stop processing Personal Data only after verifying the identity of the Client who made the request.
3.7. The Client’s Personal Data is not provided to third parties, except in the following cases:
3.7.1. When the Client’s consent is obtained, as specified in this Privacy Policy;
3.7.2. Personal Data for the purpose of e-commerce is provided to Partners providing services to the Company related to the Company’s activities;
3.7.3. To competent authorities in cases provided for by the laws and legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.
3.7.4. Payments in the Online Store are processed using payment platforms: platform, managed by Maksekeskus AS (Niine 11, Tallinn 10414, Estonia, reg. no.:12268475), therefore your personal information required for payment execution and confirmation will be transferred to Maksekeskus AS; platform, whose data controller according to the General Data Management Agreement No. 20180919 dated 2018-09-19 is the Paysera network. Paysera contact details are published on the Paysera page. The contact details of the Paysera-appointed data protection officer are:; platform, PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., Attention: Legal Department, 22-24 Boulevard Royal, 2449 Luxembourg, Luxembourg; “Montonio” platform, whose data controller is UAB “Montonio Finance”, company code 305205122, address Konstitucijos pr. 7, Vilnius, Lithuania (MF UAB). If you have questions about how “Montonio” processes personal data, you can get additional information by contacting “Montonio” at
3.8. The Client is aware of their right to disagree with the processing of their Personal Data for the purpose of Direct Marketing, i.e., the Client has the right to express disagreement immediately or later.
3.9. The Client agrees that their Personal Data may be transferred to Partners when executing the Client’s order submitted in the Online Store, as well as when the Company provides Services to the Client, and to the Company’s Partners, as specified in section 3.7.
3.10. If the Client does not agree with the Privacy Policy, the Client will not be able to use the services of the Online Store.
3.11. The Company implements organizational and technical measures designed to protect Personal Data from accidental or unlawful destruction, alteration, disclosure, as well as from any other unlawful processing.
3.12. The Client agrees that in cases where it is necessary according to the instructions of competent authorities and/or if the Client’s Personal Data was possibly used in carrying out illegal activities, or there are reasonable suspicions of identity theft, for which competent law enforcement institutions are conducting a pre-trial investigation, or there are other legitimate grounds or purposes, their Personal Data may be stored on the Company’s servers longer than specified in this Privacy Policy.
3.13. Upon receiving a Data Subject’s instruction or inquiry related to the processing of Personal Data, the Company provides the Client with a response, satisfying the request/instruction or reasonably refusing to do so, no later than 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of the Data Subject’s inquiry. If the Data Subject wishes, the response must be provided in writing.
3.14. In order for the Company to offer full-fledged services in the Online Store, with the Client’s consent, information known as Cookies (angl. cookies) is stored on the Client’s computer (device), which is used to recognize the Client as a previous user of the Online Store, collecting statistics on the visitation of the Online Store, information about the shopping cart. The Client can review at any time which Cookies are stored and can delete some or all of the stored Cookies.
3.15. To learn more about cookies, for example, how to manage or delete them, you can visit


4.1 To become acquainted with the feedback rules, click this link: Feedback and Rating Management Rules


5.1. The Company has the right to change, supplement the “Privacy Policy” entirely or in part. Amendments or changes to the Privacy Policy take effect from the day of their publication.
5.2. If you have any questions, please contact us at these contacts: phone: +37061846400, email: (

Date of revision: 15/05/2024